Since the dawn of humanity, the moon has illuminated a sense of awe, beauty and wonder in the human mind. One cannot deny the sheer beauty and magnificence of a luminous full moon.

However, yogic wisdom reveals to us that there’s more to the moon than meets the eye…

Life on earth is deeply influenced by the lunar cycle in the cosmos above. Since the beginning of time, many spiritual cultures around the world have based their calendars, seasonal farming practices, day to day activities, and most importantly, their spiritual practices upon the lunar cycle for the greatest benefit.

Spiritual seekers have known of the profound connection between the events happening in the cosmos above, the events happening here on earth in nature, as well as the inner events happening within the body and mind of living beings.

Yogic science reveals the deepest secrets of the moon, the significance of the lunar phases and ancient rituals to harness the power of the moon for greater vitality, inner balance, lucidity and spiritual remembrance.

Here you’ll discover the secret yogic knowledge of the moon and the specific ancient practices and rituals to help you connect to the power of the moon to enhance all aspects of your life.


Modern science confirms what yogis have known for millennia— there is an undeniable and profound link of the moon and lunar cycle with life and the natural events happening on earth.

The moon is responsible for some of our planets most essential functioning— the ebb and flow of the ocean tides in response to the waxing and waning of the moon, the moons influence on gravity and its role in regulating day and night, the seasons, weather and climate throughout the planet.

In Vedic traditions, the moon is known as the “Queen of the Cosmos” and is considered the gateway to the astral worlds. 1

The moon is a symbol of the cosmic feminine and creative force that sustains life called Prana Shakthi. It represents the flow and cycles of life— the tides, weather, nature, night and day, the seasons. On an inner level, it reflects the mind, emotions, sensitivity, receptivity and divine feminine nature.

The yogic view is that we as humans are not separate from nature— we are nature.

And that the cosmic energy of both the sun and moon live within us as subtle energy currents in the solar and lunar channels that run to the right and left side of the spine called Pingala or Surya Nadi and Ida or Chandra Nadi respectively.


Chandra Vidya is a lunar science— the science of the mystical moon; also known as Soma Vidya. The first reference to this science is found in the tenth book of the Rig Veda, and is later elaborated in the Upanishads and tantric texts.2

Chandra = moon, lunar, shining, God of the Moon
Vidya = science, knowledge (secret or subtle)


The full moon, also known as Purnima, offers a very unique energetic effect to the body, mind and earth because of a very particular alignment of the sun, earth and moon.

At 12:00 midnight, the sun is located directly below us on earth, and the moon straight above us—exactly opposite of one another with the earth aligned in the middle. At this time, the energy of the sun and moon are in perfect balance and harmony in the cosmos, which influences our inner solar and lunar subtle currents supports helping us establish inner balance, equanimity and harmony within.

Normally, solar energy is concentrated in the head, which makes the mind active, extroverted and often restless. On full moon days however, the moon above us and pulls the lunar energy of the body upwards while the sun below pulls the solar energy downwards towards the base of the spine— this bathes the brain and nervous system with the cooling rays of the moon from within and above which makes the mind calm, clear and receptive.

This energy is invisible and mostly imperceptible to us and although we may not be aware of it, our own biological and energetic rhythms are nonetheless deeply affected by it. 

Of all the lunar phases, the full moon is considered the most auspicious, powerful and lucid times of the month for spiritual practices.

During full moon time yogis can reap the following benefits:

  • Easier, calmer & more lucid meditations
  • Greater concentration & mental clarity
  • Improved health & vitality
  • Body is super-charged with of cosmic energy called Prana Shakthi
  • Balance of solar & lunar energy in subtle channels (Ida & Pingala) for a balanced body & mind
  • Reversal of the flow of upward moving energy (Prana), & downward moving energy (Apana) to awaken and contain spiritual energy within called Kundalini Shakthi


This full moon, try these practices and rituals to help you harness the power of the full moon for more vitality, tranquility and spiritual remembrance.


    There is an ancient yogic and Ayurvedic practice that involves going out under the moonlight and “bathing” in the magical lunar rays above and within.

    This practice is very cooling, soothing and balancing especially for women as it helps balance hormones and people with excess Pitta (too much heat in the body.)

    Note: The exception is eclipses. On eclipses, Vedic wisdom advises against exposing yourself to the harmful rays of the sun or moon being eclipsed!


    Take time to close your eyes and be still. Any meditation practice you like is great, or you can follow along with this meditation from Bihar School of Yoga.

    Centre yourself with the breath, then bring your attention to the third eye centre, between the eyebrows. Visualise a full moon on a clear night sky at this third-eye point, brightly shining on the waves of the ocean. See the images clearly, and observe the light of the silvery moon dancing across rippling waters or the crashing ocean waves. Become aware of the feelings and sensations within you, and touch the mystery of the natural world from within.3


    Also known as Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, regulates and balances the bodies sun (Pingala,) and moon (Ida,) channels and equalizes both hemispheres of the brain for greater mental balance, clarity and deeper meditation.


    Try a few slow, mindful, meditative rounds of Moon Salutations, Chandra Namaskar as outlined by the Bihar School of Yoga to connect with the lunar rhythms within and above.4


    Try this lunar mantra helps us to connect with the powerful full moon energies and awakens lunar energy within us. Chant 3, 9, 27, 54 or 108 times for the greatest effect.

Om Aim Klim Somaya Namaha

May we connect with the divine luminosity of the moonlight and unite with its presence within us as the divine light of our own true self.

Remember your connection to the cosmos this full moon. Recharge your body and mind and unite with the spiritual essence that pervades us all.