In our first few yoga classes, it may seem a little strange or awkward to loudly chant a funny “home” like sound before we begin our yoga practice— but with a bit of understanding and practice, you may just fall in love with the beauty and benefits of the sweet sound of Om.


Om is a sacred and powerful sound vibration known as the Pranava Mantra— it is traditionally chanted before and after spiritual practices in the yogic tradition.

Mantras are like scientific formulas of sound vibration— each mantra known to have unique qualities, energies and effects on the body and mind. Repetition of mantras, including the sound of Om, are proven to have incredible benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. The most simple and ancient of mantras, Om is known as the sacred primordial sound. It is said in the yogic tradition that all sound is born from Om.

Om is known as the original vibration, the underlying sound current of the universe.

This sacred sound is composed of three fundamental syllables – A U M, which represents the various states of awareness, and the trinity of universal energies of life known as Creation, Preservation and Dissolution.

Within AUM, the first sound is “Ah,” then the sound “Ooh,” then “Mm,” followed by a pause of silence.

Om Symbol


Quantum physics confirms that everything is energy. Matter is space filled with pockets of subatomic particles. All matter, all that we see, touch, feel, hear, taste and smell is simply energy, or vibration, resonating at various frequencies.

Similarly, chanting the sound vibration of Om is vibrationally consistent with the frequency found throughout everything in nature and the universe.Om is known as the “sound of the universe,” the sacred primordial sound and original vibration. The sound of nature.

Through chanting the sound Om, we attune the vibration of our body and mind back to it’s Natural State. Our original resonance— the sweet sound of the universe.

By chanting Om, we are symbolically and physically tuning in to that sound frequency and remembering our connection to all living beings, nature and the universe.


Chanting Om is like turning on the switch to cosmic energy— it is the transmission of pure Divine Love, and therefore it is necessary to first chant Om before and after spiritual practices to both initiate and seal the energy, as well as before chanting other mantras to have the full effect.

Mantras, including Om, are considered indestructible positive energies— meaning they remain in the cosmos indefinitely for the greater good of all and help reduce negative karmas.

Additionally, the repetition of Om is scientifically proven to help calm the mind, balance the nervous system, evoke knowledge, assist in healing the body and mind, increase physiological alertness and synchronicity of certain biorhythms, increase health and well-being and create a single-pointed, concentrated awareness in the mind.


Om acts as bookends to the practice. It establishes the beginning and end of yogic or spiritual practices such as meditation, pranayama, yoga asana, or chanting other mantra. It helps to differentiate the practice from other parts of the day, and contain the energy within the practice.

To open your yoga and spiritual practices with Om, try this:

1. Find a comfortable position with an upright spine and eyes closed.

2. Take a moment to ground, center, focus with love and gratitude in your heart.

3. Take a deep breath in, and on the exhale make the sound AUM (AHH, ooh, mm.)

4. Repeat 3 times at the beginning & end of any yogic practice.


  • Begin the “AHH” sound of AUM at a lower resonance, and then raise the sound to a higher note as you sound “ooh” and “mmm.”
  • Create equal length of all three sounds A,U,M. And finish the whole sound with a pause of silence as you take your next big inhalation to create the next sound.
  • Visualize moving the vibration from the lower chakras, up and out through the crown of the head as you feel the sound raising up through your lower belly, chest and head.
  • On the “mm” sound of AUM, you may try pressing the tip of your tongue to the roof of the mouth to help rise the energy into the higher chakras.
  • When chanted with devotion, love and sincerity, the positive effects of the vibrations are catalyzed and made more powerful.

With a greater understanding of the meaning of Om, may you receive more from your chanting, deepen your yoga practice, remember your True Nature, and return to Oneness.