Mantras are powerful sacred sound vibrations from the ancient Sanskrit language that are traditionally chanted during spiritual practices in the yogic tradition.

The word Mantra comes from two Sanskrit root words:

Manas = mind
Tra = to protect, to free from

Mantra means that which protects and frees the mind!

Each sound syllable inside the mantra is infused with unique frequencies— much like scientific formulas of sound vibration known to have unique qualities, energies and effects upon the mind.

Mantras act like secret passwords to various aspects of our inner dimension. They are said to hold subtle knowledge in their vibration and cleanse the body, mind and spirit.


Repetition of a Mantra is proven to have incredible benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. A regular Mantra chanting practice is known to:

  • Calm the mind
  • Promote love and compassion
  • Regulate the nervous system
  • Improve concentration powers
  • Evoke knowledge
  • Assist in healing the body and mind
  • Increase energy, inner clarity and attention span
  • Activate the vagus nerve
  • Synchronize biorhythms
  • Promote health, happiness and well-being

Spiritually, Mantras are considered indestructible positive energies— meaning they remain in the cosmos indefinitely for the greater good of all; helping to reduce negative karmas.

The physical, mental, spiritual benefits and positive effects of chanting sacred mantras are infinite and powerful for both the individual and all beings everywhere.


Here are a few tips to make the most of your Mantra chanting practices.

1) Intention

Chanting Mantra with the deepest integrity of intent— with devotion, love, concentration, faith, awareness, commitment and sincerity catalyzes the positive effects of the vibrations and are made more powerful than chanting mechanically.

Close your eyes and chant Mantra straight from your heart.

2) Open with Om

Om, the Pranava Mantra, is an incredibly simple but powerful sacred Mantra. It is traditionally chanted before and after spiritual practices in the yogic tradition. Om is known as the sacred primordial sound, it is said in the yogic tradition that all sound is born from Om.

Chanting Om before chanting other Mantras acts as a primer for the others. Its resonance activates all other Mantras and makes them more powerful.

It’s vibration is like turning on a switch to receiving cosmic energy— it is the transmission of pure Divine Love.

It is necessary to both chant Om before and after spiritual practices to both initiate and seal the energy, as well as before chanting other mantras to have the full effect.

3) Correctness

Mantras may be chanted aloud, whispered at the lips or silently within, and are made more impactful when recited with correct pronunciation, rhythm and pace.

Learning from a highly knowledgeable teacher or guru can help you understand how to chant mantras correctly so you can receive more from your Mantra practices.

4) Repetition

The yogic tradition has specific numbers that are considered auspicious for chanting mantra. Repeating your Mantra 3, 9, 27, 54 or 108 times is considered ideal and complete in the yogic tradition for many reasons with great symbolism.

Authentic prayer beads (Malas,) will have 54 or 108 beads to help you count to higher numbers of mantra repetition.

5) Initiation

When you are initiated to a Mantra from an enlightened teacher or Guru, the power of the mantra is said to increase immensely.

Initiation, or Mantra Diksha, is like unlocking the gate to the Mantra’s full energetic potential and attunes the initiated one to its divine energies.

6) Practice

Practice daily! Develop a regular Mantra Sadhana (Mantra practice) to increase the power of and collect the energy from the Mantras.

You may chant mantra during your daily yoga or meditation practice or as its own practice.

With love, practice, and intention, invite the secret power of mantras into your life and daily practice and experience the great benefit it has to offer you and to all.